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humans of code is a non-profit organisation run by a group of volunteers who are advocates for diversity & inclusion, and passionate about creating a safe and supportive space, and a sense of belonging for others.

As a team it is important to us that nobody feels singled out or excluded for reasons of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, race or any of the other protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act.

humans of code is a community for people working in tech, with a strong focus on mental health. People starting out in their first role, particularly career changers, can struggle with the transition, and may not feel comfortable admitting they need help – either work-related or health-related, and before you know it – BAM! Consumed by Imposter Syndrome. That is the worst way to embark on a new career/role.

Likewise, we are for anyone starting out in a new role after a promotion, or trying to get their head around some new tech while juggling a million other projects. People who feel their career has stalled, or people who are happy exactly where they want to be… We hope to have something to offer everyone.

This group is a non-profit initiative, offering talks, informal mentoring and collaborative coding opportunities. People can bring their coding problems with them, talk them through with someone else, and/or help others. Weʼll also have panel discussions, guided conversations, and guest speakers – on both technical and non-technical subjects. To support this, there will always be at least one qualified Mental Health First Aider at each event, who will be available to listen and help sign-post people towards resources they might find useful.

We would be genuinely delighted if you would like to get involved in our initiative and please get in touch with us if you would be interested in attending our events or if you would like to provide sponsorship.


Debi, Tony & Chris

our mission.

To provide a safe and inclusive space, which allows people to work collaboratively on career development.

our vision.

Is that people will leave with the tools they need to grow in confidence and understand better what it means to look after their mental-wellbeing, and to know that they belong and have earned their place, and that their voice is heard.