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Pexels freestocksorg 867462
Pexels freestocksorg 867462

We need help.

Heyy you! 

It’s been a while since we last caught up. How are you doing? I hope you’re well!

Have you been up to much? It’s been a bit chaotic here. Between kids, house renovations, ongoing mystery illnesses, moving to the other side of the world….. It’s why we’ve been off the radar for a wee while. Physically and mentally EXHAUSTING doesn’t even begin to describe the last couple of months!

Anyway, we’re always banging on about being open and honest if you’re struggling…. We’re struggling a bit :( We’ve not been able to keep up with blogging while all this has been going on. You know what it’s like. Sometimes life likes to punch you in the face unexpectedly, and then kick you when you’re already down.

And in the spirit of practicing what we preach, we’re asking for your help. We’re just a small team, so when one, two, or all three of us aren’t around for any length of time, it has a massive impact on what we’re able to deliver.

What we really need right now is some people to write blog posts. You know what we’re all about – diversity, inclusion, mental health, tech, personal development, wellness… We’re open to your input and ideas!

If it’s something you think you can help us with, please do get in touch! You can contact us here. Tell us a bit about yourself and how you’d like to get involved. And we’ll make it our number one priority to get back to you ASAP! Please remember to check your Junk folder for an email from us. I know many of our previous emails have gone into people’s Junk, never to be seen again, and so we’ve missed some great opportunities :(

Anyway, we’re looking forward to hearing from you! And also getting back to writing more ourselves again soon.

Take care! Speak soon :D

Debi, Tony & Ben