Join Us!

It’s fair to say that the last six months have brought many changes and we are all seeing another side of life. Rekindling relationships that were maybe lost due to hectic work schedules and learning to adapt to the ‘new norm’.

Early in 2020 myself, Ben and Debi met for the first time in Glasgow and some time later (after beers of course) the plan to develop Humans of Code was born. The journey of building a community interest company has been different to what we had expected given that to date most of our work has been carried out remotely during Covid but the one thing that we all agree on is that it has opened up doors that were previously closed. It has given us all new skills and aptitudes that we didn’t know we had.

Humans of Code has grown fast and now has over 1000 followers and a strong community of supporters. But this is just the start of the journey! We really want to make a positive difference to the tech community and to do so we need to grow even further. To do this, we need fellow humans who are keen to support us and help Humans of Code grow. These are just a few reasons why joining humans of code could be great for you:

  • Expand your professional network within the IT sector
  • Be recognised as a force for good within your professional community
  • Develop your social engagement / creative writing skills
  • Develop your ability to mentor or be mentored by like-minded IT professionals
  • Enhance your CV/profile to demonstrate you voluntarily want to give back and support fellow IT professionals
  • Get a nice warm fuzzy feeling that you are helping others

These are just a few reasons but there are many many more! If you would like to join our community and support humans of code please click here and myself, Debi or Ben will be in touch with you for a chat.

In the meantime, stay safe, wash your paws and be happy.



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Tony Baker
Tony Baker

Director & Co-Founder at Humans of Code

Articles: 12