Breasts. Boobs. Tits. Melons. Baps. Bangers. The Twins. Puppies. The Girls. Chebs. Funbags. Chesticles. Jugs. Breasticles. Bosoms. Jubblies. Knockers. Rack. Air bags. Tatty Bo Jangles. Cans. Babylons. Hooters. Moobs. Man Boobs. Upper Bollocks.
Whatever you’re calling them, make sure you’re giving them a good old fondle. Wherever you are on the gender spectrum you need to just get right in about ’em. You can find everything you need to know on the Coppafeel! website. But to save you rooting around on there for a ‘How to’ guide, here are some handy visuals…

Now, get to it!
Debi <3